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Union Industries delivers practical solution for York Mailing

Leeds-based Union Industries, the leading manufacturer of industrial high speed doors, has installed two Bulldoors at York Mailing to help maintain temperatures in its printing hall.

North Yorkshire-based York Mailing provides time-sensitive promotional materials, such as flyers, brochures and catalogues, to a large customer base, including some of the UK’s major retailers.

York Mailing required a reliable and robust door solution for its 28,000 sq ft building, which was created from a former aircraft hangar, to reduce heat loss caused by regular vehicle traffic in and out of the building.

With the openings to the printing hall in constant use, leading to the potential of external conditions and temperatures affecting the ambient environment of the building, a solution was required to control heat loss, but not impact on productivity and site traffic.

Union Industries’ Bulldoor improves working conditions by controlling temperature. The door is designed for large, high use internal openings as well as average-sized external openings. With a reputation for its reliability, the Bulldoor is widely used in various industries, including retail, pharmaceutical and manufacturing businesses. Its opening speed of 1.6m/s and numerous activation options, including induction loop, radar motion sensor and radio control, makes it ideal for openings experiencing regular vehicle and personnel traffic.

Stephen Marshall, Works Director at York Mailing, said: “A colleague had seen another Union Industries door in action and recommended we consider them for our printing hall. The Bulldoors have proven to be an effective solution, and one made even better by the service and assistance we have received from Union Industries.”

“Operating such a large facility can make maintaining a consistent temperature a challenge and can impact on our operating costs as we try to create a comfortable working environment. However, the Bulldoors play a major part in helping to maintain the environmental conditions in the printing hall.”

Alan Hirst, Union Industries’ Sales Director, said: “Controlling energy costs is a major consideration for customers with heated facilities and where frequent access is a necessity in and out of the building. Our Bulldoors are a proven solution through their robust manufacture, speed of operation and reliability and help companies, like our Yorkshire neighbour York Mailing, overcome heat loss challenges.”